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An e-course about beautifully
exhibiting your photographs.


Exhibition Masterclass:
Bravely Showcasing Your Photographs

You love being a photographer. Your images hold a special place in your heart. They’re part of how you meaningfully engage with the world around you. They’re an expression of your intuition, your worldview, your questions and answers.

For some people, that’s enough - more than enough. Some people are content for their photography practice to be a private, intimate journey.

But, what if you want to share your vision?

What if you want to show your work to a wider community (or the entire world!), but you’re not quite sure how? What are your options if you want other people to feel the same emotions your photographs inspire in you? What if you know your work deserves recognition, but you don't know how to get it in front of the right people?

For 20 years, my students and mentoring clients have asked for my help with exhibiting their work. I’ve been in thousands of conversations about how to exhibit, where to exhibit, when to exhibit, which images to exhibit, and more.

In Exhibition Masterclass: Bravely Showcasing Your Photographs, I’ve gathered those answers together for you. 

What is Exhibition Masterclass?

Exhibition Masterclass is an 18-part multimedia e-course that pulls back the curtain on the world of galleries, juried competitions, portfolio reviews, and everything it takes to exhibit your photographs.

Instead of stumbling through and piecing it together all on your own, Exhibition Masterclass gives you a detailed collection of the best practices, industry standards, key considerations, and insider know-how that you’ll need to successfully exhibit your work.

(Translation: You'll bypass the most common mistakes and inaccurate assumptions that newer exhibitors make.)


As a curator, Laura has a sharp intellect, a dedicated heart, and an aesthetic vision honed by lots of experience. She’s able to help artists put their best foot forward - choosing the strongest images, making exhibitions flow well. But more than that, she’s able to create exhibits that move people to care (or move people to tears!). That says a lot about her skills and vision.
— Laura Moya, Director of Photolucida


What Will I Learn?

Exhibition Masterclass is broken down into 11 key themes:


This audio will guide you through a process of clarifying your intentions.

  • Do you want to exhibit so you can sell your work?

  • Secure consistent clients?

  • Raise awareness for an issue you care about?

  • Build up your resume?

Not all galleries are the same, so the first step is getting clear on your exact priorities, so you can pursue opportunities that are in alignment with your intentions. 



  • How to identify the good vs. bad competitions (yes, there are bad ones)

  • How to produce a great entry for a competition

  • How to use competitions as resume builders before you're ready for a solo show



  • The major do’s and don’ts of approaching galleries

  • How to make your submission the strongest it can be

  • Creative, alternative ideas for exhibiting your work in untraditional venues



  • How to choose the right paper, the right size, the right aesthetic for your prints

  • How to work with a professional printer to get the best results

  • Important considerations for printing your work yourself



  • How to make framing choices that are professional and never amateur

  • How to make sure you don’t spend so much money on framing that you can’t recover your costs in the sale of your work

  • Savvy, beautiful DIY options that don't sacrifice quality



  • How to sequence your images so viewers are guided through a beautiful visual flow from beginning to end

  • How to present your exhibition so it’s engaging and not boring (and to make sure the gallery loves working with you)

  • How to effectively incorporate multimedia features, and many other examples of creative display techniques



  • The ins and outs of editioning - how it works and why you might want to do it

  • The downside of editioning - why it may not be the best choice for you

  • The facts about gallery representation, contracts, and your rights


8. the money piece  

  • Who pays for everything, anyway? Learn what expenses you're responsible for when you exhibit

  • The financial and creative factors to consider when working with a gallery

  • And everyone's favorite: how to price your work!


  • What to include so your statement and bio are real and relatable

  • Some of the most common ways artist statements go horribly wrong

  • How to write a compelling bio when you don't have much on your photo resume


10. The finishing touches

  • You've got the show - now how do you actually hang your work?

  • My best recommendations for all the promo materials you'll need to get people out to your show

  • The scoop on exhibition signage, labels, and installation tools - the most important details, in one helpful spot



  • What they are, when you're ready for one, and how to prepare like a pro

  • How to present your work to professional reviewers

  • How to position your work to make stronger connections and open doors


In addition to the 11 lessons listed above, Exhibition Masterclass also includes 7 exclusive audio interviews with:

  • Christopher Rauschenberg: Curator, photographer, and founder of Blue Sky Gallery and Photolucida

  • Jan Potts: Curator & co-founder of Corden|Potts Gallery

  • Calvin Chen: Photographer who shares his story of prepping for a major solo show

  • Aline Smithson: Curator, photographer, and founder of Lenscratch

  • Ali Lanenga: Photographer with a unique take on marketing and selling directly to collectors

  • Chantel Paul: Gallery Director at the School of Art and Design at San Diego State University

  • Lincoln Miller: Master digital printer and founder of Pushdot Studio


I’ve been fortunate to have worked with Laura in her capacity as a curator (she curated a wonderful exhibition for my gallery). Laura is extraordinarily perceptive in her ability to see photographs, having helped countless photographers hone their creative voice. If refining your work for exhibition is your goal, I can’t imagine a more capable teacher.
— James Barker, Director of PhotoPlace Gallery

There are 2 ways to experience Exhibition Masterclass:

The first option is detailed above. It's entirely self study. The second option includes everything mentioned above and adds a mentoring component. Here’s what that looks like:

Step 1: I will review your past photographic work, your website (if you have one), and any portfolios or other images you want to share. (Yes, I will look at ALL of it.)

Step 2: We'll schedule a 60-minute mentoring call. Ask me anything - it’s your time to use however you like. I’ll offer feedback on your images and we’ll chat about your exhibition goals. I can review your gallery submissions, provide suggestions for improvement, and help you envision your printing/framing/hanging plan so your installation (no matter your budget) is beautiful, professional, and never boring. We'll also talk through any creative challenges you’re experiencing and map out your next steps so you have greater clarity moving forward.

The mentoring option is an excellent fit for people who want detailed feedback and personalized advice as they prepare for an exhibit in the near future. It's also an ideal choice for people who want help laying the groundwork so they're well prepped for future exhibition opportunities.


I can’t recommend this course experience enough! It led directly to my securing my first solo show. I did 1-on-1 mentoring with Laura too, and her feedback was so helpful.
— David Pellegrini
Laura, thank you again for the mentoring session. It really, really helped. I sold four prints to a gallery & your advice was so helpful in that sale. Again, I can’t tell you how much you help photographers with all the different aspects of the business. Your graciousness in sharing your knowledge is invaluable!
— Cathy Panebianco



A bit about me…

I've spent about 20 years as a photographer, curator, arts director, and educator. I worked for 15 years in the nonprofit art world, most recently as Outreach Director at Photolucida - an organization that works to build connections between photographers and the gallery and publishing worlds. 

I often serve as a professional reviewer at portfolio review events like Houston FotoFest, Review Santa Fe, Photolucida, and many international reviews, where I help photographers fine-tune their vision and promote their work with more confidence. I've also curated and juried exhibitions for many galleries, photo festivals, and photography publications around the world, for the last two decades.

Exhibiting your work can be a powerful way to polish your creative vision, make connections with people who get your work, and inspire others with your artistry. If those things are high on your list of priorities, I made Exhibition Masterclass for you. 


Laura, I have to tell you that I am very happy with my exhibit and I credit you for much of that happiness. The response was amazing. Your classes and the 1-on-1 really helped me. Thank you!!!
— Joanna Ceciliani
Laura, you really are a godsend to photographers. You help change artists’ lives and everyone should know it!…I’ve been smart and lucky enough to take almost all of Laura’s workshops (with mentoring sessions). Exhibition Masterclass, along with a private mentoring session, really helped move my photography forward. Her experience as a photographer, educator, curator, and juror helped me edit my portfolio and statement and, most importantly, gave me the confidence to submit it to many venues (and be accepted). I was named one of the Top 50 in Photolucida’s Critical Mass competition. I strongly encourage photographers to do workshops and mentoring with Laura. You will be so happy you did.
— Cathy Panebianco

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I tell if I’m ready to start exhibiting my work?

If you feel called to share your work with a wider audience, you're ready. If you're nervous about the whole idea of exhibiting, but you just can't stop thinking about how amazing it would be to see your images on a gallery wall, you're ready. If you know you'd benefit from honing your vision and polishing your work, you're ready.


Can I take this class if I'm a newer photographer?

You can. Exhibition Masterclass is geared towards artists in the beginning stages of thinking about exhibiting. You don't have to be a master to take this class - this class will help you become a master. 


If I've already exhibited, will this course be valuable for me?

If you've already had major solo shows at top-tier galleries and you have a résumé a mile long, this class isn't for you. But, if you've participated in group shows or had a solo show at a small gallery or casual community venue, and you're ready for more? You'll find lots of helpful info in this e-course.


How long will it take me to go through all the material?

On average, the lessons and interviews are about 20 minutes long. 


How long will I have access to the course?

You'll have access to all the material for three full years, so you can revisit it at any time in that window.


What's your refund policy?

Because you’ll receive all of the material when class begins, all sales are final.


Thank you for believing in me and my work! I would not have been so fortunate with my art successes without your early assistance. I imagine there are MANY photographers who feel the same way about you that I do! You are a tireless supporter and advocate and I am very grateful, thank you.
— Maureen Drennan